Bezuidenhout parkrun


Experience the beauty of a revitalizing morning run through the scenic landscapes of Bezuidenhout Park at the 5km parkrun, where participants come together to celebrate fitness, community, and the outdoors.

The course is 5000m (5k) long. This has been accurately measured by us with a professional measuring wheel. The course is at Bezuidenhout Park, Observatory, Johannesburg. The course is run on a mixture of paths and grass. Some sections of the course may accumulate mud, leaves and puddles after rain. Dependent on availability, marshals will be at key sections of the course, or signs will be in place.

Course Description

Start just to the west of the parking. Run down a long grassy slope towards the south western corner of the park. Turn left along the northern side of the Bowling Club following the path past the caravan park on the right. Then down to a jeep track with the canalised Juksei River on your right. Follow the path to the south eastern corner of the park and turn left up the hill with the little stream on the right and the soccer fields above you on the left. Follow the path to the top of the northern soccer field and then wind your way through the soccer fields guided by the marshals. A final cutback in the middle of the park takes you to the finish in a grove of trees near the start.


Recently renovated toilets.

When is it?

Every Saturday at 8:00am.

Where is it?

The event takes place at Bezuidenhout Park, Observatory Rd (between Homestead and Woltemande Streets), Observatory, Johannesburg 2198.



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